Voucher code
How do I receive my Kalypso Community voucher?
If you already have registered an account via the Kalypso Game Launcher, you may just log in with your existing email address and passwort and complete your account registration. If you do not have an existing account, please sign up for a new account on the Kalypso Store. Please be sure to subscribe to the newsletter via the registration form or your account management, afterwards.
After your subscription has been completed and was confirmed via email, you will receive your voucher code in a second email. If you didn’t receive an email (please also check your spam folder), please contact our customer support through the support form or via email to support@kalypsomedia.com.
How do I redeem my voucher?
Please proceed as follows:
1) Add your chosen product(s) to your shopping cart
2) Click on the cart symbol in the top-right corner, and then on "Redeem voucher" in the side bar
3) Redeem your voucher code under "I have a voucher".
*Minimum Order Value is 10 USD/EUR/GBP. The Kalypso Community voucher is valid until 12/31/2021 and can be redeemed while purchasing digital PC & Mac games (Steam), available at the Kalypso Shop. Please note that only one voucher can be used per order. The voucher cannot be redeemed during the Easter promo (8 - 19 April, 2020). Kalypso Media reserves its right to change, limit or end promotions and deals without further notice at its own discretion.
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